About Us

Heyue Outdoor is a good outdoor camping manufacturer and exporter in China,supplying camping tent,sleeping bag,Camping Furniture,and other camping products.

Our Story
Our Story

How did we
get here?

In parks, forests, or by the sea, setting up tents and camping with family and friends, laughter and joy blend us with nature’s charm.

This emotion gave birth to “HeYue Outdoor”. Understanding the delight of camping under the stars, the warmth of campfire talks, and the happiness of reuniting with loved ones. This resonance drives us to meticulously select, test each product, ensuring convenience and joy.

At “HeYue Outdoor,” it’s beyond products; it’s a way of life. Advocating “venturing out, reconnecting with nature,” briefly leaving chaos to feel nature’s peace. May users sense nature’s enchantment, perceive the world’s beauty, and relish camping in harmony with nature.

OUR MISSION: Let everyone enjoy the fun of outdoor life
OUR VISION: Our vision is To become a world-renowned outdoor enterprise

Company Partners

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